Our commitment

Human rights policy

1. Purpose

1.1 At Micron, we are committed to respecting human rights. This commitment is fundamental to our core value of People. To ensure the integrity of our efforts, Micron’s Human Rights Policy is guided by common principles found within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 

2. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to all Micron employees and employees of subsidiaries and joint ventures in which Micron has a controlling interest. To protect human rights beyond our direct operations, Micron further requires our suppliers and contractors to adopt the same or similar standards. In addition, we will endeavor to evaluate human rights implications arising across our entire value chain, including with respect to our products and services.

3. Policy Statement

3.1 Our efforts focus on the following fundamental aspects of human rights: 1) freely chosen employment; 2) young worker protections; 3) working hours; 4) fair wages and benefits; 5) worker health and safety; 6) non-discrimination and anti-harassment; and 7) freedom of association. Our minimum standards for these principles are laid out in this policy and are incorporated in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Violations, known or suspected, should be reported to your HR business partner, the Legal or Compliance Department, your manager or VP or through our Compliance and Ethics Hotline. The hotline is maintained by a third-party vendor with processes in place to enable anonymous submissions and to manage potential conflicts of interest. In addition, Micron strives to avoid complicity in human rights violations and supports the advancement of human rights along our entire value chain. 

3.2 At Micron we regularly assess risks, including human-rights-related risks, and we regularly review our policies to ensure we are appropriately addressing these risks. With board oversight and through several senior and executive level councils and committees, we seek relevant guidance from stakeholders and subject matter experts and perform appropriate assessments and adopt and implement policies we deem needed. We regularly conduct due diligence and audits across our supply chain to assess supplier compliance with these and other requirements. 

4. Definitions

4.1 Terms and Definitions

Term Definition
Harassment Harassment is unwelcome offensive behavior related to a legally protected class which affects employment decisions, makes the job environment hostile, or unreasonably interferes with performance. This includes but is not limited to: unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, innuendoes, joking, slurs, offensive visual images or printed materials, such as screen savers or calendars and other verbal or physical conduct of a harassing or discriminatory nature.
Helpline The Micron Compliance Helpline is hosted on a secured, confidential external platform and allows Team Members and Third Parties to report concerns anonymously, where allowed by local laws (via telephone call or online submission). It is accessible at helpline/.5. Requirements

5. Requirements

5.1 Freely Chosen Employment/ Prevention of Human Trafficking and Forced Labor

5.1.1. Micron forbids the use of forced, bonded (including debt bondage), indentured labor, involuntary or exploitative prison labor, slavery or trafficking in our own operations and in those of our supply chain. We prohibit harsh or inhumane treatment, including actual or threatened corporal punishment. 

5.1.2. Team members are not required to pay employers' agents' or sub-agents' recruitment fees or other related fees for their employment. 

5.2 No Child Labor; Young Worker Protections 

5.2.1. Micron prohibits all forms of child labor. Micron defines “child” as anyone under sixteen years of age (unless national or local law stipulates a higher mandatory school leaving or minimum working age, in which case the higher age shall apply). Micron and all business partners (including suppliers, vendors, and extended workforce) shall not engage or employ anyone who is under this child labor minimum age. 

5.2.2. In addition, Micron defines “young worker” as anyone under eighteen years of age. Micron does not engage or employ any young workers and expects all its business partners (including suppliers, vendors, and extended workforce) to refrain from engaging young workers in any position or activity which is at a higher risk to jeopardize health or safety, including, but not limited to, no night shifts and no overtime for young workers.

5.3 Working Hours 

5.3.1. Micron recognizes the importance of worker well-being and the risks affiliated with worker strain. Micron complies with all applicable local laws, regulations and/or local customs regarding working hours and overtime. Except in emergency or unusual Micron Internal Use Only situations, Micron will not allow staff to work in excess of a maximum of 60 hours per week (or the maximum set by local laws) and will provide at least one day off every seven days. We require the same of our suppliers. 

5.4 Fair Wages and Benefits 

5.4.1. Micron complies with all applicable wage laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate. We respect and follow local laws relating to minimum wages, overtime pay, and benefits. We further expect our suppliers and contractors to meet these requirements. 

5.5 Worker Health and Safety 

5.5.1. Micron is committed to worker and general health and safety in our own operations and along our entire value chain. Compliance with all applicable health and safety laws is a minimum requirement. Micron implements, maintains and validates the conformance of our health and safety management systems to internationally recognized ISO standards to help assure worker safety. For more information, see our Environmental, Health and Safety Policy. 

5.6 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment 

5.6.1. Micron is committed to providing a workplace free of discrimination, harassment, violence, and intimidation. We are committed to the fair and respectful treatment of all our workers, and we expect our suppliers to maintain the same commitment. Our Company strictly prohibits any form of unlawful discrimination against any team member or applicant for employment. We recruit, hire, train, promote, discipline and make other employment decisions without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, national origin, citizenship status, disability, veteran status, marital status and other classifications protected under law. In addition, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodation for team members’ disabilities or religious beliefs and practices. 

5.7 Freedom of Association 

5.7.1. Micron respects the rights of workers to form and join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively and to peacefully assemble as permitted under applicable local law. Micron also respects the rights of workers to choose to refrain from such activities. It is the right of workers to share ideas and concerns with management, free of fear of reprisal. In addition, all Micron employees have a duty to speak up (through a variety of communication options, including anonymously) if they observe something that does not seem right, and we never tolerate reprisals or retribution against anyone who lodges a complaint or concern in good faith. Micron Internal Use Only

6. Policy Compliance

6.1. All Team Members: All Micron Team Members are required to comply with this Policy. Failure to comply with the requirements of this Policy can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. For any questions relating to this Policy, Team Members should contact or submit questions or concerns at alias Helpline/

7. References



Micron Code of Business Conduct


8. Authorization and Review History

Owner:  April Oliver - VP, Ethics and Compliance 
Approver: Jane Klinger - Director, Compliance & Ethics
Policy Category Legal
Policy Effective Date: 1/8/2019
Last Review Date:  1/18/2024
Next Review Date: 1/18/2026
Cadence 24 Months


For any inquiries about this policy, please reach out to